
Access a Well

Fresh ground water from wells and springs is an essential resource and a major source of safe (potable) water.

Access a Well​​​​​​​ overview

Understand more about the process…

Permit to Drill a Well: Before any new well can be established, a permit to drill must be obtained. A permit is also required in order to alter an existing well (e.g. deepen or widen); and this process requires submission of an application form giving the technical details of the proposed well.

Licence to Abstract and Use Water: The abstraction and use of water from all surface or ground water sources requires a licence. The Water Resources Authority (WRA) should also be notified prior to changing the pump on any existing works; as a new licence is required if this results in a change in the abstraction volume. The submission of an application form giving information on the source to be tapped and the use of the water is required.

In considering an application for a Permit or Licence, the Authority l takes the following into consideration:

  • The ability of the source to meet the demand reliably
  • The quality of the source to meet the demand standard
  • Existence of prior users with rights to the water (in-stream uses of the water)
  • Impact of the disposal of any wastewater that may be generated – safeguarding of the public health and the environment
  • The provisions of the Master Plan
  • The consideration that the satisfaction of the demands of the public water supply is a matter of priority
  • The requirements of the applicant and whether or not he has the financial or technical resources for the enjoyment of the permit/licence and
  • The requirements of land drainage

Site visits may be required for your application to be processed and approved; and the Authority may also request additional information and or tests in order to complete the processing of an application.

Complete the relevant form(s) and provide any supporting information/documents…

You should visit the offices of the Water Resources Authority (WRA) to collect your application form(s) for a Permit to drill (new well); and for a Licence to abstract and use water. They are also available on the WRA’s website for download, printing and completion.

Application Requirements:
A new well will require both a Permit to drill and a Licence to abstract and use water; while a new surface water source or a previously drilled well will require only a Licence to abstract and use water. In order to ensure your application is processed expeditiously please verify that all the information is completed fully, and the required supporting documents/information are submitted along with your applications.

Permit - Access a New Well/Alter an Existing Well (e.g. deepen or widen):
This process requires the submission of an application form including the technical details of the proposed well.  The following must be submitted in duplicate:

Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted (2 sets of the documents specified below):

  • Site Maps at 1:50,000 scale - showing location of proposed well (2 sets).
  • Proof of ownership - or right to access of property on which water source is located.
  • Advertisements (2) in a Local Daily Newspaper - indicating intent to drill well at requested site.
  • Payment Voucher - for the non-refundable application and processing fee should be presented upon submission of the application. 

License - Abstract and Use Water:
This requires submission of an application form giving information on the source to be tapped and the use of the water.  The following must be submitted in duplicate:

Application Form to be completed.

Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted:

  • Site Maps at 1:50,000 scale - showing location of works (2 sets).
  • Proof of ownership - or right to access of property on which water source is located.
  • Water quality analysis - of sample from water source (taken no earlier than 6 months prior to submission of application or on-site visit).
  • Copy of Permit Application or Permit - to construct subdivision/development if applicable. See - Obtain Construction Permissions.
  • Copy of application for Licence - from NEPA to discharge wastewater or sewage effluent if applicable. See - Secure Environmental Permits.
  • Copy of Mining or Quarry Licence - if applicable.  See - Get a Quarry Licence.
  • Copy of well construction, yield and water quality test - from new and replacement wells.
  • Advertisements (2) in a Local Daily Newspaper - indicating intent to abstract and use water from source requested. See “Step 5”.
  • Payment Voucher - for the non-refundable application and processing fee should be presented upon submission of the application. 

Renewal Permit:
The grant of a Permit for well drilling is valid for one (1) year from the date of issue.  Extensions to the Permit are not normally granted; and a new application (using From C above) has to be submitted if the Permit expires without work having begun.


Renewal Licence:
The grant of a Licence to abstract and use water is valid for five (5) years from the date of issue. However, the Licence becomes null and void if within twelve (12) months from the date of issue, no water is abstracted or used from the approved source. Renewal applications should be submitted no later than six (6) months before the expiry of your current licence, and there should also have been no material change in the circumstances, which existed at the time the licence was first granted.


Where the application for renewal of your Licence to Abstract Water is made after the expiration date or if there is a material change in circumstances, then the application will be treated as a new one with no guarantee of it being approved. A material change includes if the original licensee has changed e.g. by sale of property, new company name, etc.  In such cases, a new application (using Form A above) is required.


Application Form to be completed.


Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted:

  • Outstanding Abstraction Data
  • Outstanding Water Quality Data
  • Payment Voucher - for the non-refundable application and processing fee should be presented upon submission of the application. 


Licences are not transferable.  All terms and conditions indicated on the existing licence are valid for the renewal.

For more information, contact the Work Permits and Licensing Unit of the WRA at or 1 (876) 927-0077; or visit the WRA website

Submit your completed application…


Submission Requirements:
Once your application form(s) and any relevant supporting information/documents have been completed, signed, stamped and certified where required; you will need to visit WRA to submit your application(s) for accessing a well.  All requests should be addressed to the Managing Director.


The address and contact information for the WRA is indicated below:
Water Resources Authority
Hope Gardens
Kingston 7
Jamaica, W.I.
Tel: 1 (876) 927-0077/927-0189/927-0293
Fax: 1 (876) 977-0179/702-3937
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Pay the relevant processing fees…

Fees for any services offered by the Authority are charged on the basis of cost recovery only. A non-refundable application processing fee must be submitted along with your application for your Permit and/or Licence.  The WRA will not accept your application without evidence of the payment of your processing fee.

The actual permit/licence fees are to be paid when your Permit/Licence applications have been approved and you as the applicant have been informed.  The WRA will not issue your Permit/Licence without evidence of the payment of your permit and/or licence fees.

Application and Permit/Licence Fees:

Permit to Access a New Well or Altering Existing Well

Application/Processing Fees


Permit Fees:


Licence to Abstract and Use Water

Application/Processing Fees:


Licence Fees:


Renewals Fees:

Permit Renewal Fees:

A renewal fee is required after one (1) year if not used – JMD$30,000

Licence Renewal Fees:

A renewal fee is required every five (5) years – JMD$30,000

Other Related Fees - to be paid separately or to a Third Party

Additional Tests:

determined by WRA


based on current print media rates

Please note: Fees are subject to updates.

Processing Time:

  • Permit Approval - Maximum of sixty (60) working days.
  • License Approval - Maximum of sixty (60) working days.

Additional steps required for approval…


Once your application(s) has been submitted, there are some additional steps that the WRA will undertake as a part of their own due diligence processes.  This may include the following:


For Permit/Licence Applications - Steps by the WRA:

  • Review and assessment by WRA: carried out on the application and supporting documents.
  • Additional Information and/or Tests: requested by WRA in order to complete the processing of an application. These additional tests (which are outside the routine list of activities of the WRA) are at the expense of the applicant. The WRA will monitor the tests and analyse the data.
  • Site Investigations:
    • to be undertaken for a Permit Application to drill (new well) in order to evaluate hydrogeology (water availability, water quality, nature of formation and chance of success), suitability of site (including access) and proximity to other already established systems (possible interference).
    • to be undertaken for a Licence Application to abstract and use water in order to evaluate hydrology (flow measurements to determine discharge and reliability of source), water quality (for potable or irrigation suitability) and impacts on other users downstream as well as on the aquatic system.
  • Advertisement in a daily newspaper: prepared in the format set out by the WRA and posted at the applicant’s expense. The advertisement must be placed twice, seven (7) days apart in a local newspaper prior to granting approval for a permit/licence for a new surface or groundwater source.
  • Map of the Site displayed: along with a copy of the application form at the local Post Office closest to the proposed site.
  • Objections submitted to the WRA: the public has 21 days from the date of the first newspaper advertisement to submit objection on the granting of a permit/licence.
  • WRA addresses any Objections: to the granting of a permit/licence in consultation with the applicant. If the objector is still not satisfied, there remains the option of an appeal to the Minister with portfolio responsibilities.
  • Applications are processed: and presented to the WRA Board at its monthly meeting for a decision.


If no objections are received the applicant is advised of the grant of the permit/licence; and a formal permit/licence document is prepared.  Once Permit/Licence Fees have been paid, the Permit/Licence document will be sent to the applicant.

Collect your Approved document(s)…


Once the review and assessment process has been completed and if your documents, any applicable tests and site investigations are in order - the WRA will notify you that your application for your Permit and/or your Licence has been granted.  When you have paid the appropriate fee indicated, your documents will be sent to you, or you may visit the WRA to collect them. 


At the end of the process you would have received the following:

  • Your Permit to Drill a Well
  • Your Licence to Abstract and Use Water