Water & Sewerage Connection overview
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Water and Sewerage Connections
At some point during the implementation of your development, in order for it to be supplied with water or for wastewater and sewage to be disposed of properly.
Water and Sewerage Connections overview
Understand more about the process
Developments and Water/Sewerage Connections:
Since water is an essential need of every development, every development is required to indicate how it proposes to meet the needs for the provision of potable water and the disposal of wastewater/sewage. The NWC is therefore usually involved in the development approval process prior to any request for connection. They advise on the availability of water and/or sewerage service to the development/construction project; and they regulate the interface between an existing NWC water supply and/or sewerage system and a new or proposed system.
During the preparation of the design and engineering drawings for your development, the construction documents must include a proposal for the supply of sufficient potable water, including water for firefighting purposes and ensuring maximum service pressures. However, with respect to the sewerage services for your development, the NWC only needs to be involved and drawings provided where:
- The development is within 90 meters (100 yards) of an NWC sewerage system and the investor/developer is then required by law to connect to the NWC system and pay sewerage rates.
- It is being proposed that the NWC will own, operate and maintain the system after it has been built, commissioned and handed over free of cost.
- There is significant expansion, remodelling and change of use at a site currently served by an NWC sewerage system, which may result in increased sewage flows.
The NWC offers water supply and sewerage services to its customers under two broad categories:
- Domestic/Residential Accounts - This refers to supplies connected to premises where customers consume water specifically for domestic purposes and are billed at a lower rate.
- Commercial Accounts - This refers to supplies connected to premises for the purposes of trade or business.
Based on the projected use of a premises/site, customers may require service under either of the two categories. It is the Commission’s duty to assess the said premises to ensure the account is billed in accordance with the observed use from the date first observed.
If you live in an area where the NWC has a central sanitary sewerage network, you are urged to secure connections with the NWC. It should be noted that, regardless of your connection status, if your premises are within 100 yards/90 meters of the sewer mains you will be charged sewerage.
To learn more about securing water and sewerage connections, continue to the next step of this business process guidelines.

Complete the relevant form(s) and provide any supporting information/documents
Whether your development requires a new supply, or there is an existing system to be resupplied or transferred, an application for service may be made at the New Supplies desk of any NWC Customer Service Centre or Commercial Offices island wide. The application form is available via email request.,.
Application Requirements:
You will also need to ensure that your water supply has been connected and is operational, before your sewerage can be connected.
In order to ensure your application is processed expeditiously and within the relevant timeframe, please verify that all the information is completed fully, and the required supporting documents/information are submitted along with your application.
For Water Connections:
An inspection of the premises may be required before the application is processed, and this will be done within three (3) working days of the application being submitted.
Application Form to be completed.
- Application Form - "Application & Contract for Water Supply & Sewerage Services". Or request the form via email.
Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted.
- Tax Registration Number (TRN) - TRN for your company is required. How to get your company’s TRN? Find out more.
- Proof of Ownership
- Letter from attorney with volume and folio number - Attorney’s Stamp and signature must be affixed to letter This letter must not be older than six (6) months; or
- Title - Where a photo copy of the title is being used, it must be stamped and certified to be a true copy of the original by the Titles Office; or
- Letter from mortgaging companies e.g. NHT, HAJ, VMBS, JNBS etc. The letter must include the volume and folio numbers where available and the letter must be signed by the Legal Counsel of that institution or such other authorized person.
- Building/Planning Approval - is required for open lots from the Municipal Corporations. Find out how to get your construction permissions.
- Numbering Certificate - is required from the Municipal Corporation for subdivisions.
- Valid Identification - Passport, National ID or Driver's Licence for owner/applicant.
- A Deposit on the installation cost - is required and is determined based on the criteria indicated below under step 5 “processing fees”.
- Proof that outstanding balance settled - on the existing account (for transfer of ownership applications).
For Sewerage Connections:
An inspection of the premises may be required before the application is processed, and this will be done within three (3) working days of the application being submitted.
Application Form to be completed.
- Application Form - "Application & Contract for Water Supply & Sewerage Services" or request the form via email.
Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted.
- Tax Registration Number (TRN) - TRN for your company is required. How to get your company’s TRN? Find out more.
- Building/Planning Approval - is required for open lots from the Municipal Corporations. Find out how to get your construction permissions.
- Valid Identification - Passport, National ID or Driver's Licence for owner/applicant.
- Evidence that water supply is in place - receipt from deposit paid or a monthly water bill.
Applications must be made by the owner of the premises, however, if the owner is unable to apply in person, the person submitting the application on behalf of the owner will be required to carry the following:
- A Letter of Authorization - must be signed by the owner and witnessed by a Justice of the Peace (JP), Senior Police Officer at the rank of Corporal or above, Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public and or Secretary of State. If the request is on behalf of a company, the letter must be on the company’s letterhead and the company seal affixed.
- The Certificate of Incorporation - company.
- Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) - a valid TCC for your company should be submitted. How to get your TCC? Find out more.
For more information about this process, contact the National Water Commission’s (NWC’s) Wastewater Department at 1 (876) 733-5530.

Submit your completed application
Submission Requirements:
Once your application form and all supporting information/documents have been completed, signed, stamped and certified where required; you will need to visit the Wastewater Department in Kingston, or any NWC Customer Service Centre or Commercial Offices island wide to submit your application.
The address and contact information for the Commission is indicated below:
The National Water Commission
Wastewater Department
4 Marescaux Road
Kingston 5
Jamaica, W.I.
Telephone: 1 (876) 733-5530/929-5430
Fax: 1 (876) 926-1329
Email: patrick.daley@nwc.com.jm
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
For the location of the NWC Commercial Office nearest to you…visit Commercial Offices.

Additional steps required for approval
Once your application has been submitted, there are some additional steps that the Commission (NWC) will need to undertake as a part of their own due diligence process. This includes the following:
- NWC to review the Application Form and the associated drawings
- NWC Survey/Site Inspection completed - will be done within three (3) working days of your application being submitted, to assess the feasibility of providing the service and to verify the information stated regarding the property.
- Processing Fees determined (Water) - by the NWC’s Wastewater Department.
- Developer pays the processing fees (Water) - visit the nearest NWC Commercial Office.
- Plumbing/Sewerage Drawings - review and approved and NWC notifies the Developer.
- Developer advises NWC of date for final connection - at least two weeks in advance of the intended time for effecting connection.
- NWC observes the connection and testing exercise - if they so choose.
Upon final connection, the Developer should have all other existing septic systems (if any) drawn/cleaned by a cesspool/sewage haulage contractor company and pack the septic system with back filling material (i.e. dump up the soak-away pit or other septic system).
To learn more about this process and the requirements, please visit the NWC.

Pay the relevant processing fees
The fees for your connection are calculated based on the costs related to the implementation of the connection as indicated below. The methods of payment accepted are: i) cash, ii) manager’s cheques or debit/credit cards and iii) banker’s guarantee.
Processing Fees: Water Connections
A deposit on installation: The cost is determined as outlined below. |
JMD$16,000 |
JMD$10,000 |
Estimated cost will be determined |
Actual final cost: This is determined after the installation is completed. |
Processing Fees: Sewerage Connections
- Based on the application form and the associated drawings, the NWC Wastewater Department will determine the processing fees that will be charged.
Please note: Fees are subject to updates.
Processing Time:
- Water/Sewerage Connections Approval - maximum of twenty-eight (28) working days.

Collect your approved document(s)
Once the review and assessment process has been completed and if your documents and site visit are in order, the NWC will notify you that your application for connection has been approved.
At the end of the process you would have received the following:
- Your Potable Water supply service and account.
- Your Sewerage service and account.