Manchester overview
Access Incentives
Close a Business
Acquire Land
Obtain Accreditations
Secure Approvals
Secure Approvals
Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo.)
- Accommodations
- Attractions and Others
Licenses and Leases
- Cannabis
- Farms
- NCRA - Food Processing Establishment
- WRA - Water Resources Authority Services
- Energy Plant
- Telecoms Operation
- Institutional Healthcare Facilities - Healthcare Facilities
- Quarry Licence
- Mining Lease
- Registration of Film Production
- Pharmaceutical License
- NCRA(Verification of Scales And Petrol)
- MIIC(CET and Safeguard Mechanism)
Building and Construction
- Electricity Connections
- Water and Sewerage Connections
- Fire Brigade
Development and Promotion
- SEZ. Status
Business Support Services
Digital Secure Approvals
Secure Approvals
Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo.)
- Accommodations
- Attractions and Others
Licenses and Leases
- Cannabis
- Farms
- Pharmaceutical License
- Registration of Film Production
- Fire Brigade
- NCRA(Verification of Scales And Petrol)
- MIIC(CET and Safeguard Mechanism)
- Institutional Healthcare Facilities - Healthcare Facilities
- Quarry Licence
- Mining Lease
- NCRA - Food Processing Establishment
- WRA - Water Resources Authority Services
Development and Promotion
- SEZ. Status
Digital Access Incentives
Digital Obtain Certifications
Digital Obtain Accreditations
Digital Acquire Land
Business Support Services
Digital Business Support Services
All applications for Planning Approvals must be submitted to the Manchester MC.
Secure Planning Manchester overview
Understand more about the process…
The Manchester Municipal Corporation (MMC) is the local planning authority for the parish of Manchester and responsible of overseeing all developments within this area. As such, all applications for Planning Approvals must be submitted to the Manchester MC.
As an Investor, it is important that you first consult with the Local Planning Authority/Municipal Corporation before starting on any detailed design work. Prior to submitting your application make sure that you have prepared and obtained all the necessary information required for the application. Contact the MC about the Development Application Help Desk (DAHD) and their walk-in “Pre-Check” Service or the Development Assistance Centre (DAC) at NEPA for a consultation.
Some of the main Planning issues that need to be considered when contemplating development in Jamaica are listed below:
• Zoning
- Existing Land use
- Proposed Land use
• Urban Limit
• Access (Ingress & Egress)
• Traffic Flow
• Lot Size
- Lot sizes vary based on location (urban/rural), terrain, type of sewage solution
• Density (# habitable room/hectare)
• Height of Building
• Setback from roadways, gullies, canals, coastal zone, rivers etc.
• Open Space (1 hectare: 100 lots)
• Parking
• Level of infrastructure
• Change in use of Agricultural Lands
See below for more information on the Manchester MC Planning Approval Process.

Complete the relevant Form(s) and provide any Supporting Information/Documents…
You may visit the Municipal Corporation to collect the application form for your Planning Application or download it from their website. For each of the categories of planning applications, there may be specific documents to be submitted and a procedure to be followed. In order to ensure your application is processed expeditiously and within the relevant timeframe, please ensure all the required supporting documents and information are completed and submitted along with your application.
Application Requirements:
The requirements for this process are the same as those for your Building Approval and it is recommended that the application for the two (2) approvals be submitted at the same time. For further information on that process, see “Secure Building Approvals”.
For Detailed Planning:
• Application Form to be completed - (you should indicate on the form all of the different approvals for which you are applying). See form “Application for Building/Planning Permission”.
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted.
- Final detailed planning/architectural/engineering drawings for proposal - prepared, stamped and signed by a locally Registered Architect/Engineer.
- Surveyor’s ID Report (sketch plan) - prepared by a locally Commissioned Land Surveyor.
- Proof of ownership of the land - (see checklist for acceptable forms of proof of ownership).
- Certificate of Property Tax Payment – most current.
- A Project Brief - (where applicable e.g. large/complex proposals).
- Fire approval letter and stamped drawings - from the Jamaica Fire Brigade. (You may choose to do this yourself prior to your submission to the MC, otherwise the MC will circulate the drawings to the JFB).
For Outline Planning:
As an Applicant, you may choose to submit illustrative drawings representing your proposal and apply for Outline Planning Approval. This saves you the expense of having detailed and expensive plans prepared, in advance of your even being aware as to whether or not it is even possible to build on the parcel of land.
• Application Form to be completed - See form “Application".
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted.
- A Project Brief/concept document.
- Illustrative Sketch Drawings.
It should be noted that when granted, Outline Planning Approval is planning permission only. You will still need to submit a subsequent full application for Planning/Building Permissions, as you must still satisfy all the other statutory reserved matters before proceeding with any construction work.
For Change of Use:
Zoning is the process by which the municipal laws or regulations are used to manage and control the type, as well as, the size of buildings that can be erected, and the activities undertaken in specific areas/locations. A Change of Use Approval is required when your intended development is contrary to the existing zoning in the area and/or development order if the area is covered by a development order.
• Application Form to be completed - See form “Application".
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted.
- Same as for Detailed Planning Approval.
For Retention/Use of Structure:
This is required if a building was constructed without the requisite building approvals. You are therefore now required to apply for the retention of use of the existing structure(s) (a retroactive approval of sorts). This is required in order to retain that building/structure on the property. Lodging a retention application is no different from lodging a planning application except in name and involves the same process.
• Application Form to be completed - See form “Application".
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted.
- Same as for Detailed Planning Approval.
For Continuance of Use:
If an activity is already in operation within an area contrary to the existing zoning and/or the development order for the area and has not received prior permission for a change of use, then you must submit an application for continuance of use.
• Application Form to be completed - See form “Application".
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted.
- Same as for Detailed Planning Approval.
For Determination:
This is applicable if you are unsure on whether planning approval is required for any proposed activity, operation, development or change of use.
• Application Form to be completed - See form “Application".
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted.
- A Development Brief.
- A Copy of Registered Title.
- Certificate of Property Tax Payment.
- Description of the proposed operations or change of use.
- Description of the land on which the operations/development will be carried out.
- The Address for the property.
- Location Plan of the property - drawn to a scale of 1:2,500 for urban areas or to any other available scale which is sufficient to clearly identify the land or 1:12,500 in rural areas.
- A Site Plan/Layout - showing access to site, ingress/egress; location of buildings, parking layout (For illustrative purposes only).
Depending on the type of development/investment, you may also be asked to submit additional documents. For more information on the various forms, requirements, and checklists, email the Manchester MC at
Process Quick Tips
- A preliminary consultation at the Development Assistance Centre (DAC), located at NEPA, is strongly recommended. The DAC is a knowledge-based service unit that supports the development approval process in Jamaica. When used as the first stop in the planning/development process - it provides relevant information to investors/developers, in order to assist them to: i) determine feasibility of the project, and ii) to prepare and make a complete and acceptable planning/development application. For more information contact the DAC.
- In addition, prior to submitting for Planning Approvals, the Municipal Corporation offers a walk-in “Pre-Check” service. This allows you to bring in one (1) set of your drawings/plans for review and comments prior to your full submission. They will also guide you on how to submit your subsequent detailed application.
- The location of your development (including the property’s geographical and topological characteristics) will determine which of the Reviewing Agencies your application will be circulated to for their comments as a part of this process.
- For Planning/Building/Subdivision applications, the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation requires that submissions be made to the Fire Department prior to applying. This is not a requirement of the other Municipal Corporations.
- Your Planning Approval may be granted (with extensions) for up to a period of (2) years after approval has been issued. You must commence construction within six (6) months of the issuance of the approval or it shall lapse. If not, you will have to take the approved plans back to your Local Planning Authority and apply for an extension of time and have them “Revalidated”.
• The revalidation fees are as follows:
- JMD$1600 (residential)
- JMD$1600 (commercial)
• If the time has expired you will need to “Re-apply” by resubmitting your application and all documents, as well as, the full fees must be repaid.
- Anyone who is found to be building without proper approvals may be issued a Stop Notice and an Enforcement Notice requesting “Immediate Cessation of Works” until the plans are submitted, approved and a permit is issued.
- The location of your development determines which agencies are to be contacted for their comments. In addition, for complex developments, whether greater than or less than 300 square meters (m2) in size, additional referral agencies may be required to comment.
- No planning application should be submitted directly to the National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA) unless it is an application for Environmental Permit or under the Beach Control Act.
- Once building has started, you will need to contact the appropriate governmental departments to carry out the relevant inspections during the course of the construction works. A copy of the approved plans and permits must also be kept on site at all times.
- If an applicant is aggrieved by the decision or the conditions of approval handed down by the Local Planning Authority, they can appeal to the Minister with portfolio responsibility for Local Government within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the letter indicating the Authority’s decision.
For more information on this process visit the Manchester MC's website.

Submit your completed Application…
Once your form(s) and all supporting information/documents have been completed, signed, stamped and certified where required, you will need to visit the Municipal Corporation to submit your Application and pay the relevant application fees.
Submission Requirements:
All plans/drawings must be signed by a registered architect/engineer. The correct number of copies of the plans/drawings to be submitted depends on the type and location of your development. However, as a general guide see below:
For Detailed Planning Approval:
• Application Form and supporting documents listed above - (2) copies.
• The architectural/engineering/construction plans/drawings are to be printed, stamped, signed and submitted.
- For Residential single-family projects - (3) sets of drawings plus (1) electronic copy.
- For Residential multifamily projects – (6) sets of drawings plus (1) electronic copy.
- For Commercial and other projects – (6-10) sets of drawings plus (1) electronic copy.
Please note that of the total number of sets required above, at least two (2) sets should be stamped and approved by the Jamaica Fire Brigade (Fire Approval). If you so choose, this may be done prior to your submission to the MC. JFB Application Form.
For Outline Approval/Determination Approval:
• Application Form - (4) copies.
• Other Supporting Documents - (4) copies.
For additional guidance, consult your MC through their Development Application Help Desk (DAHD) to verify the required number of sets of plans/drawings to be submitted for your specific project type, size and complexity.
The address and contact information for the Municipal Corporation is indicated below:
Manchester Municipal Corporation
Planning Department
32 Hargreaves Avenue
Jamaica W.I.
Tel: 1 (876) 962-2278-9/962-0612
Fax: 1 (876) 962-0611
Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Process Quick Tips
- A preliminary consultation at the Development Assistance Centre (DAC), located at NEPA, is strongly recommended. The DAC is a knowledge-based service unit that supports the development approval process in Jamaica. When used as the first stop in the planning/development process - it provides relevant information to investors/developers, in order to assist them to: i) determine feasibility of the project, and ii) to prepare and make a complete and acceptable planning/development application. For more information contact the DAC.
- In addition, prior to submitting for Planning Approvals, the Municipal Corporation offers a walk-in “Pre-Check” service. This allows you to bring in one (1) set of your drawings/plans for review and comments prior to your full submission. They will also guide you on how to submit your subsequent detailed application.
- The location of your development (including the property’s geographical and topological characteristics) will determine which of the Reviewing Agencies your application will be circulated to for their comments as a part of this process.
- For Planning/Building/Subdivision applications, the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation requires that submissions be made to the Fire Department prior to applying. This is not a requirement of the other Municipal Corporations.
- Your Planning Approval may be granted (with extensions) for up to a period of (2) years after approval has been issued. You must commence construction within six (6) months of the issuance of the approval or it shall lapse. If not, you will have to take the approved plans back to your Local Planning Authority and apply for an extension of time and have them “Revalidated”.
• The revalidation fees are as follows:
- JMD$1600 (residential)
- JMD$1600 (commercial)
• If the time has expired you will need to “Re-apply” by resubmitting your application and all documents, as well as, the full fees must be repaid.
- Anyone who is found to be building without proper approvals may be issued a Stop Notice and an Enforcement Notice requesting “Immediate Cessation of Works” until the plans are submitted, approved and a permit is issued.
- The location of your development determines which agencies are to be contacted for their comments. In addition, for complex developments, whether greater than or less than 300 square meters (m2) in size, additional referral agencies may be required to comment.
- No planning application should be submitted directly to the National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA) unless it is an application for Environmental Permit or under the Beach Control Act.
- Once building has started, you will need to contact the appropriate governmental departments to carry out the relevant inspections during the course of the construction works. A copy of the approved plans and permits must also be kept on site at all times.
- If an applicant is aggrieved by the decision or the conditions of approval handed down by the Local Planning Authority, they can appeal to the Minister with portfolio responsibility for Local Government within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the letter indicating the Authority’s decision.
For more information on this process visit the Manchester MC's website.

Pay the relevant Processing Fees…
Planning/Building application fees are calculated based on the area calculated in square meters (m2) and type of the structure to be erected. In addition, there is also a separate site inspection fee.
General application fees:
- Fees: Cost/m2 + Cost of Site Inspection + Cost of Notice of Intention Card.
- Cost/m2:
- For residential buildings (single-family): JMD$127-173/m2
- For residential buildings (multifamily): JMD$228/m2
- For commercial buildings: JMD$228/m2
- Telecommunications towers: JMD$100000 per tower to be erected.
- Site inspection: JMD$1600 (per visit)
Other reviewing agency fees:
- National Works Agency review: NWA will assess and advise.
- Jamaica Fire Brigade: JMD$3000 – $5000
Fees related to reviewing agencies should be paid over directly to those agencies.
Other planning approval fees:
- Outline Approval/Determination application fee: JMD$7500
The cashier at the Council Administrative Building is open from:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Fridays: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Please note: Fees are subject to updates.
Processing Time:
- Planning Approvals - Maximum of ninety (90) working days.
- Processing time for approvals may vary depending on the number of reviewing agencies that need to provide feedback.
- Once discrepancies are found with the application the time is stopped and is restarted only once the necessary changes have been made and presented to the Corporation.
- Your application’s progress can be tracked online, and you are able to view its status by going to the MCs’ websites or using the AMANDA System.
To learn more about tracking your application, visit the AMANDA System…or contact your MC at 1 (876) 962-2278-9/962-0612.
Process Quick Tips
- A preliminary consultation at the Development Assistance Centre (DAC), located at NEPA, is strongly recommended. The DAC is a knowledge-based service unit that supports the development approval process in Jamaica. When used as the first stop in the planning/development process - it provides relevant information to investors/developers, in order to assist them to: i) determine feasibility of the project, and ii) to prepare and make a complete and acceptable planning/development application. For more information contact the DAC.
- In addition, prior to submitting for Planning Approvals, the Municipal Corporation offers a walk-in “Pre-Check” service. This allows you to bring in one (1) set of your drawings/plans for review and comments prior to your full submission. They will also guide you on how to submit your subsequent detailed application.
- The location of your development (including the property’s geographical and topological characteristics) will determine which of the Reviewing Agencies your application will be circulated to for their comments as a part of this process.
- For Planning/Building/Subdivision applications, the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation requires that submissions be made to the Fire Department prior to applying. This is not a requirement of the other Municipal Corporations.
- Your Planning Approval may be granted (with extensions) for up to a period of (2) years after approval has been issued. You must commence construction within six (6) months of the issuance of the approval or it shall lapse. If not, you will have to take the approved plans back to your Local Planning Authority and apply for an extension of time and have them “Revalidated”.
• The revalidation fees are as follows:
- JMD$1600 (residential)
- JMD$1600 (commercial)
• If the time has expired you will need to “Re-apply” by resubmitting your application and all documents, as well as, the full fees must be repaid.
- Anyone who is found to be building without proper approvals may be issued a Stop Notice and an Enforcement Notice requesting “Immediate Cessation of Works” until the plans are submitted, approved and a permit is issued.
- The location of your development determines which agencies are to be contacted for their comments. In addition, for complex developments, whether greater than or less than 300 square meters (m2) in size, additional referral agencies may be required to comment.
- No planning application should be submitted directly to the National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA) unless it is an application for Environmental Permit or under the Beach Control Act.
- Once building has started, you will need to contact the appropriate governmental departments to carry out the relevant inspections during the course of the construction works. A copy of the approved plans and permits must also be kept on site at all times.
- If an applicant is aggrieved by the decision or the conditions of approval handed down by the Local Planning Authority, they can appeal to the Minister with portfolio responsibility for Local Government within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the letter indicating the Authority’s decision.
For more information on this process visit the Manchester MC's website.

Additional steps required for approval…
Once your application has been submitted, there are several additional steps that the Municipal Corporation will need to undertake as a part of their own due diligence and in keeping with the participatory nature of the planning process. This includes the following:
- Due Diligence Investigation - is carried out on the development project.
- Application entered into the AMANDA System.
- Corporation to conduct a site visit and prepare a report (separate fee required).
- This will be done within ten (10) working days of receiving the application.
- Application Circulation - to Reviewing Agencies including the Corporation’s site report, which are shared with the relevant reviewing agencies for comments/recommendations, including but not limited to:
- National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA)
- National Works Agency (NWA) (additional costs related to this review)
- Natural Resources Conservation Authority
- Environmental Health Unit, Ministry of Health
- Water Resources Authority
- Mines & Geology Division (if on a hill slope)
- Jamaica Fire Brigade
- Agricultural Land Management Division (ALMD), MICAF
- Office of Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Management (ODPEM)
- Other Agencies as may be deemed necessary
- Technical Reviews - conducted by the various Reviewing Agencies, who will provide their written comments/recommendations.
- Agencies’ Comments/Recommendations – returned to the Corporation for review and compilation by their Planning Department.
- Report Compiled - on the agencies’ comments/recommendations for presentation to the MC’s Planning Committee.
- Monthly Planning Committee Meeting – held by MC to review the report and make a final decision regarding approval.
To learn more about this process you may also visit the Manchester MC's website or NEPA's eCentre.
Process Quick Tips
- A preliminary consultation at the Development Assistance Centre (DAC), located at NEPA, is strongly recommended. The DAC is a knowledge-based service unit that supports the development approval process in Jamaica. When used as the first stop in the planning/development process - it provides relevant information to investors/developers, in order to assist them to: i) determine feasibility of the project, and ii) to prepare and make a complete and acceptable planning/development application. For more information contact the DAC.
- In addition, prior to submitting for Planning Approvals, the Municipal Corporation offers a walk-in “Pre-Check” service. This allows you to bring in one (1) set of your drawings/plans for review and comments prior to your full submission. They will also guide you on how to submit your subsequent detailed application.
- The location of your development (including the property’s geographical and topological characteristics) will determine which of the Reviewing Agencies your application will be circulated to for their comments as a part of this process.
- For Planning/Building/Subdivision applications, the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation requires that submissions be made to the Fire Department prior to applying. This is not a requirement of the other Municipal Corporations.
- Your Planning Approval may be granted (with extensions) for up to a period of (2) years after approval has been issued. You must commence construction within six (6) months of the issuance of the approval or it shall lapse. If not, you will have to take the approved plans back to your Local Planning Authority and apply for an extension of time and have them “Revalidated”.
• The revalidation fees are as follows:
- JMD$1600 (residential)
- JMD$1600 (commercial)
• If the time has expired you will need to “Re-apply” by resubmitting your application and all documents, as well as, the full fees must be repaid.
- Anyone who is found to be building without proper approvals may be issued a Stop Notice and an Enforcement Notice requesting “Immediate Cessation of Works” until the plans are submitted, approved and a permit is issued.
- The location of your development determines which agencies are to be contacted for their comments. In addition, for complex developments, whether greater than or less than 300 square meters (m2) in size, additional referral agencies may be required to comment.
- No planning application should be submitted directly to the National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA) unless it is an application for Environmental Permit or under the Beach Control Act.
- Once building has started, you will need to contact the appropriate governmental departments to carry out the relevant inspections during the course of the construction works. A copy of the approved plans and permits must also be kept on site at all times.
- If an applicant is aggrieved by the decision or the conditions of approval handed down by the Local Planning Authority, they can appeal to the Minister with portfolio responsibility for Local Government within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the letter indicating the Authority’s decision.
For more information on this process visit the Manchester MC's website.

Collect your Approved Document(s)…
You are required to pick up and sign for your final approval documents at the Manchester MC. If an Agent is submitting the application on your behalf, you will need to provide them with a letter of authorization, stamped and signed by a Justice of the Peace or a Notary Public.
At the end of the process you would have received the following:
- Your Planning Approval(s)
Process Quick Tips
- A preliminary consultation at the Development Assistance Centre (DAC), located at NEPA, is strongly recommended. The DAC is a knowledge-based service unit that supports the development approval process in Jamaica. When used as the first stop in the planning/development process - it provides relevant information to investors/developers, in order to assist them to: i) determine feasibility of the project, and ii) to prepare and make a complete and acceptable planning/development application. For more information contact the DAC.
- In addition, prior to submitting for Planning Approvals, the Municipal Corporation offers a walk-in “Pre-Check” service. This allows you to bring in one (1) set of your drawings/plans for review and comments prior to your full submission. They will also guide you on how to submit your subsequent detailed application.
- The location of your development (including the property’s geographical and topological characteristics) will determine which of the Reviewing Agencies your application will be circulated to for their comments as a part of this process.
- For Planning/Building/Subdivision applications, the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation requires that submissions be made to the Fire Department prior to applying. This is not a requirement of the other Municipal Corporations.
- Your Planning Approval may be granted (with extensions) for up to a period of (2) years after approval has been issued. You must commence construction within six (6) months of the issuance of the approval or it shall lapse. If not, you will have to take the approved plans back to your Local Planning Authority and apply for an extension of time and have them “Revalidated”.
• The revalidation fees are as follows:
- JMD$1600 (residential)
- JMD$1600 (commercial)
• If the time has expired you will need to “Re-apply” by resubmitting your application and all documents, as well as, the full fees must be repaid.
- Anyone who is found to be building without proper approvals may be issued a Stop Notice and an Enforcement Notice requesting “Immediate Cessation of Works” until the plans are submitted, approved and a permit is issued.
- The location of your development determines which agencies are to be contacted for their comments. In addition, for complex developments, whether greater than or less than 300 square meters (m2) in size, additional referral agencies may be required to comment.
- No planning application should be submitted directly to the National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA) unless it is an application for Environmental Permit or under the Beach Control Act.
- Once building has started, you will need to contact the appropriate governmental departments to carry out the relevant inspections during the course of the construction works. A copy of the approved plans and permits must also be kept on site at all times.
- If an applicant is aggrieved by the decision or the conditions of approval handed down by the Local Planning Authority, they can appeal to the Minister with portfolio responsibility for Local Government within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the letter indicating the Authority’s decision.
For more information on this process visit the Manchester MC's website.