PAJ Land
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Acquire Land
Obtain Accreditations
Secure Approvals
Secure Approvals
Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo.)
- Accommodations
- Attractions and Others
Licenses and Leases
- Cannabis
- Farms
- NCRA - Food Processing Establishment
- WRA - Water Resources Authority Services
- Energy Plant
- Telecoms Operation
- Institutional Healthcare Facilities - Healthcare Facilities
- Quarry Licence
- Mining Lease
- Registration of Film Production
- Pharmaceutical License
- NCRA(Verification of Scales And Petrol)
- MIIC(CET and Safeguard Mechanism)
Building and Construction
- Electricity Connections
- Water and Sewerage Connections
- Fire Brigade
Development and Promotion
- SEZ. Status
Business Support Services
Digital Secure Approvals
Secure Approvals
Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo.)
- Accommodations
- Attractions and Others
Licenses and Leases
- Cannabis
- Farms
- Pharmaceutical License
- Registration of Film Production
- Fire Brigade
- NCRA(Verification of Scales And Petrol)
- MIIC(CET and Safeguard Mechanism)
- Institutional Healthcare Facilities - Healthcare Facilities
- Quarry Licence
- Mining Lease
- NCRA - Food Processing Establishment
- WRA - Water Resources Authority Services
Development and Promotion
- SEZ. Status
Digital Access Incentives
Digital Obtain Certifications
Digital Obtain Accreditations
Digital Acquire Land
Business Support Services
Digital Business Support Services
Acquire PAJ Land
The Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) is the principal maritime agency responsible for the regulation and development of Jamaica’s port and shipping industry.
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Process Overview
Discover the application process and what steps will be taken in order to grant and Acquire PAJ (The Port Authority of Jamaica) Land.
Acquire PAJ Land description
The Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) is a statutory corporation established by the Port Authority Act of 1972. It is the principal maritime agency responsible for the regulation and development of Jamaica’s port and shipping industry. The Port Authority is responsible for the safety of all vessels navigating the ports of entry and regulation of the tariffs charged on goods passing through the public wharves.

In its development role, the PAJ develops and facilitates investments in seaport and supporting infrastructure required for growth in Jamaica’s International Trade, Cruise Tourism, Commerce and related Industries.
The PAJ is actively pursuing initiatives to partner with private sector companies for the development of logistic activities on lands it owns, beside the Kingston Container Terminal (KCT).
If you want to know how you can acquire PAJ lands/assets - see below for step-by-step guidelines on this business process. You may also visit the PAJ website.