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Request Removal From Register

The COJ is also responsible for supervising the winding-up of 
solvent companies/estates.

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Process Overview

Discover the application process and what steps will be taken in order to grant a Request Removal From Register.

Request Removal from Register Description

The Companies Office of Jamaica (COJ) has as its mission, to facilitate ease of doing business in Jamaica by providing easy to use, efficient systems which will promote business regulation. Not only is it responsible for registering local and overseas companies, individuals and firms carrying on business in Jamaica; the COJ is also responsible for supervising the winding-up of solvent companies/estates.In addition, they remove entities which have been wound-up/liquidated, as well as, those which the Registrar has reason to believe are no longer in operation.

The COJ maintains up-to-date records of all companies and businesses registered; and it actively encourages voluntary compliance of companies and businesses with the Companies Act 2004, the Companies (Amendment Act) 2013 and the Registration of Business Names Act of 1934.The decision to close a business can be very complex. However, having all the relevant information at hand along with the support of professionals (attorney/business adviser/accountant/etc.) will make it easier to come to the best conclusion for your company.To learn more about having a company removed from the Register of Companies, follow this step-by-step business process guideline below.