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Secure Environmental Approvals
A Permit is required to undertake any construction, enterprise or development of a prescribed nature anywhere in the island and the Territorial Sea.
Environment overview
Understand more about the process…
The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) receives and processes all applications for Environmental Permissions and provides recommendations for decisions on licences and permits for Planning/Building, Subdivisions, Beaches, Environment, Hazardous waste export, import, or transportation; among others; and provision of pre-application assistance.
Types of Environmental Applications:
• A Permit is required to undertake any construction, enterprise or development of a prescribed nature anywhere in the island and the Territorial Sea. The permit is intended to safeguard the various environmental/natural resources from direct damage due largely, but not exclusively, to physical development.
• A Licence is required for the handling of sewage or trade effluent and poisonous or harmful substances to be discharged into the air, ground or water, or by the construction, reconstruction or alteration works. It is to safeguard the various environmental media from contamination.
Pursuant to Beach Control Authority Act, a Beach Licence is required if you intend to use the foreshore and floor of the sea.
A licence is not however required where the discharge:
- results only from a use of water made in pursuance of a licence to abstract and use water granted under any enactment, or
- is in accordance with good agricultural practice, as determined by the Authority after consultation with the Ministry responsible for agriculture, or
- is caused or permitted in an emergency in order to avoid a greater danger to the public and, as soon as practicable thereafter, particulars of the discharge are furnished to the Authority, or
- results from the domestic waste effected by means of absorption or soak away pits or other prescribed waste disposal system and is an accordance with such provisions as may be prescribed by or under the NRCA Act or any other law in force pertaining to such disposal.
Permits are applicable to new activities and licences to both existing and new facilities.
Who must Apply:
All persons whose development projects fall within certain prescribed categories. If your project/activity falls within one of these Prescribed Categories, you must apply for an Environmental Permit/Licence.

Understand more about the process…
Complete the relevant Form(s) and provide any Supporting Information/Documents…
You may visit NEPA to collect the Application Forms for Environmental Permit and/or for an Environmental Licence to Discharge Sewage Effluent or Trade Effluent Applications. They are also available at the regional offices of the Agency and the Municipal Corporations, by email request and on the NEPA’s website. In general the process is straightforward and simple once you are aware of the steps to follow.
In order to ensure your applications are processed expeditiously and within the relevant timeframe, please ensure all the required forms and supporting documents/information are fully completed and submitted along with your application. See below for guidance on the application requirements.
Application Requirements:
The requirements for this process are indicated below and it is recommended that where required, these applications be submitted before or at the same time as your Planning/Building Approval application.
For Environmental Permits:
• Permit Application Form to be completed. See form - "Permit Application".
• Project Information Form to be completed in quadruplicate. See form - "PIF".
- You will need to have the following information for inclusion in the above forms:
• Tax Registration Number. See “Acquire a TRN”.
• Contact information – Telephone number, Cellular phone number, Fax, Email.
• For Companies – Company Registration Number, Names of Directors and Company Secretary.
• Copy of Identification for the person(s) making the application e.g. current Driver’s Licence, National ID or Passport.
• Completed Beach Licence Application Form (Licence Under the Beach Control Authority for any modification to the Foreshore and Floor of the Sea) - See requirements below.
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted.
- Location Map (drawn to scale 1:12,500).
- Site/Layout Plan of facility/development drawn to scale (including dimensions).
- Final detailed planning/architectural/engineering drawings prepared, stamped and signed by a locally Registered Architect/Engineer.
- Proof of ownership of the land (see checklist for acceptable forms of proof of ownership).
- A Project Brief (where applicable – e.g. large/complex proposals).
- A Drainage Plan.
- Surface Discharge Permission letter - Applicable where the proposal is to discharge the final effluent into a surface drainage channel owned by another individual. In this case, the Applicant is to submit a “no objection” letter from the owner of the channel.
-Design Report- Applicable only to wastewater treatment and disposal facility or similar facility
For Environmental Licences:
• Licence Application Form to be completed (if there will be a discharge of trade or sewage and/or poisonous or harmful substances into the environment). See form - "Application".
• Project Information Form to be completed. See form - "PIF".
- You will need to have the following information for inclusion in the above forms:
• Tax Registration Number.
• Contact information – Telephone number, Cellular phone number, Fax, Email.
• For Companies – Company Registration Number, Names of Directors and Company Secretary.
• Copy of Identification for the person(s) making the application e.g. current Driver’s Licence, National ID or Passport.
• Completed Permit Application Form (if the project falls within any of the prescribed categories).
• Completed Beach Licence Application Form (Licence Under the Beach Control Authority for any modification to the Foreshore and Floor of the Sea) - See requirements below.
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted.
- Location Map (Drawn to Scale).
- Layout Plan or Site Plan of facility/development (including dimensions).
- Detailed Design of Sewage/Waste Water (Trade Effluent) Facility (including discharge points-coordinates must be stated).
- Map indicating the route of the pipeline/drainage channel from the sewage treatment plant to the point of discharge.
- Proof of ownership of the land (see checklist for acceptable forms of proof of ownership).
- Project Brief describing the scope and extent of the project.
For Beach Licences:
• Beach Licence Application Form (Licence Under the Beach Control Authority for any use of the foreshore, floor of the sea and water column) to be completed in duplicate. See Form A - "Application for Licence".
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted (2 copies of each).
- Location Map (drawn to scale 1:12,500).
- Site/Layout Plan of the area to be licensed.
- Proof of ownership of the land - a copy of the registered title (if applicable) or any other document which shows ownership of the beach property.
- Details of any structures built on or encroaching on the beach foreshore.
- Copy of Identification for the person (s) making the application e.g. current Driver’s Licence, National ID or Passport.
- Notice of Application (Form B) - You are required to comply with the requirements of Form B and this must be in the form of a Notice.
If you as the applicant are not the property owner, then the owner must provide a Letter of Authorisation signed by a Justice of the Peace - indicating that they have given you permission to use the property, as well as where applicable, the foreshore and the floor of the sea adjoining his or her property in connection with your project/activity.
Prior to submitting your application, you should also ensure that your project is properly defined and it is recommended that you seek conference with NEPA’s Application Branch prior to submission and consult these Guidelines.

Application Pre-Check Service:
The National Environment and Planning Agency accepts only completed applications. To this end, they offer a walk-in “Pre-Check” service through the Development Assistance Centre (DAC). This allows you to bring in one (1) set of your application documents and drawings/plans for review and comments prior to your full submission. They will also guide you on how to submit your subsequent detailed application.
A preliminary consultation at the DAC is strongly recommended. When used as the first stop in the environmental permits/licences application process - it provides relevant information to investors/developers, in order to assist them to: i) determine feasibility of the project, and ii) to prepare and make a complete and acceptable application. For more information contact the DAC.
The Process is simple:
• Fill-out your application and complete other supporting documents.
• Visit the DAC to receive technical guidance on your application/documents.
Submit your fully completed application and other supporting documents to NEPA.

Submit your completed Application…
Once your form(s) and all supporting information/documents have been completed, signed, stamped and certified where required, you will need to visit NEPA to submit your application and pay the relevant application fees.
Submission Requirements:
All plans must be signed by the respective architects, engineers or professionals who have prepared these plans. . The correct number of copies of each plan/document to be submitted is indicated as a general guide below:
For Environmental Permits:
• Application Form to be completed - (4) copies.
• Project Information Form to be completed - (4) copies.
• Completed Beach Licence Application Form (if applicable) - (4) copies.
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted - (4) copies of each.
For Environmental Licences:
• Application Form to be completed - (4) copies.
• Project Information Form to be completed - (4) copies.
• Completed Permit Application Form (if the project which falls within any of the prescribed categories) - (4) copies.
• Completed Beach Licence Application Form (if applicable) - (4) copies.
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted - (4) copies of each.
For Beach Licences:
• Application Form to be completed - (2) copies.
• Other Supporting Documents to be prepared and submitted - (2) copies of each.
If an Agent is submitting the application on your behalf, you will need to provide them with a letter of authorization, stamped and signed by a Justice of the Peace or a Notary Public.
The address and contact information for the Municipal Corporation is indicated below:
The Natural Resources Conservation Authority
c/o National Environment and Planning Agency
10 Caledonia Avenue
Kingston 5
Toll Free 1-888-991-5005
Email: applications@nepa.gov.jm
Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Pay the relevant Processing Fees…
Once you have been notified that your Permit or Licence has been approved, the requisite fee should be paid at NEPA's Accounts Branch prior to the collection of the approved document(s). The fee may be paid utilizing any of the options below:
- Manager’s cheque made payable to the National Environment and Planning Agency
- Debit Card
- Credit Card (a valid identification is required)
- Cash
Note also, that you are required to present NEPA’s invoice along with the payment of the permit/licence.
General application fees:
- Environmental Permit Application: $2000 (non-refundable)
- Environmental Licence Application: $2000 (non-refundable)
- Environmental Permit Fee: $15000 and upwards - See Fee Schedule
- Environmental Licence Fee: $7500
- Renewal of Environmental Licence Fee: $7500
- Late Application Fee for Renewal of Environmental Licence: $6500
- Beach Licence Application: $1000
- Beach Licence Fees: $200 and upwards - See Fee Schedule
Processing Time:
- Environmental Permits - Maximum of ninety (90) days.
- Environmental Licences - Maximum of ninety (90) days.

Additional steps required for approval…
Once your application has been submitted, there are several additional steps that NEPA will need to undertake as a part of their own internal process. Applicants may be asked to submit additional documents.
• In applying for a permit or a licence, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) may be required. In such case, you will be notified and will be provided with the Terms of Reference (TOR) designed for your specific category of development.
• NEPA determines whether or not an EIA is required based on their application review and relevant site visit(s). The EIA is undertaken by the applicant, and outlines the impact that the proposed project is likely to have on the area where the development will be sited, as well as the impact of the environment on the development. It also identifies mitigation measures necessary to reduce the negative impacts of the project.
• Due Diligence Investigation is carried out on the development project.
- NEPA assesses application for completeness and circulates to other reviewing agencies:
• National Works Agency (NWA) (additional costs related to this review)
• Environmental Health Unit, Ministry of Health
• Water Resources Authority
- NEPA screens application and conducts site visit (if necessary) to determine if an EIA is required.
If no EIA is required:
• Application is reviewed by NEPA’s Internal & Technical Review Committees.
• Technical Review Committee’s recommendations are presented to the NRCA.
• Permit/Licence granted by NRCA.
• Applicant pays Permit/Licence fee.
If EIA is required:
• NEPA advises applicant EIA is required.
• NEPA prepares and sends TOR to applicant and relevant stakeholders for inclusion of any significant issues.
• NEPA advises applicant of the following:
- of stakeholders comments, if any
- to proceed with the EIA study
- to publish first standard public notice.
• Applicant prepares EIA based on the approved TOR, and submits Report (12 hard copies + digital copy) and publishes second public notice.
• Review of EIA by NEPA, relevant agencies and stakeholders.
• NEPA informs applicant of adequacy of EIA
• Application is reviewed by NEPA’s Internal & Technical Review Committees.
• Technical Review Committee’s recommendations are presented to NRCA.
• Permit/Licence Granted by NRCA.
• Permit/Licence Fee paid by Applicant.
The Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) is not entitled to grant a permit or licence if it is of the view that the activity in question is likely to cause injury to the environment or to public health. To learn more about this process…visit NEPA’s Application e-Centre.

Collect your Approved Document(s)…
You are required to pick up your final approval documents at NEPA. If you wish to send an Agent to collect your documents, you must provide them with a letter of authorization, stamped and signed by a Justice of the Peace or a Notary Public.
Please be advised that the Permit or Licence must be collected within three (3) months of the date of the approval by the Authority. Failure to do so will result in the approval being withdrawn and a you will be required to re-apply for your Environmental Permit.
• The validity of the Permit is indefinite. However, if your permitted activity does not commence within five (5) years after the date of your Permit, then your Permit will be voided and you will be required to re-apply for a new Permit.
• The validity of the Licence is five (5) years. You must apply for the renewal of your Licence at least sixty (60) days prior to its expiration.
At the end of the process you would have received the following:
Your Environmental Permits
• Your Environmental Licences