Obtain a Clearance Letter Overview
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Obtain a Clearance Letter
It is a pre-requisite for obtaining your Tax Compliance
Certificate (TCC) from the Tax Administration Jamaica.
Obtain a Clearance Letter overview
Understand more about the process…
To apply for your clearance letter, you will need to first have applied for and received your NIS number and you should have been making your NIS, NHT, and HEART Contributions and filing your annual returns.
If you are incorporating a company or registering a business name, you will no longer be required to make separate visits to the NHT, NIS or TRN offices to register your businesses with these entities. As a “New Employer” your business would have received its NIS, NHT and HEART numbers at the time of incorporation. However, if you are a “Returning Employer”, see the next steps to learn more and then you may call or visit the offices of these agencies.
To learn more about obtaining clearance letters, continue to the next step of this business process guideline.

Complete the relevant form(s) and provide any supporting information/documents…
Application Requirements:
To obtain your (Employer/Business) Clearance Letters you will need to visit the individual offices of the 1.) NIS, 2.) NHT and 3.) HEART Trust/NTA and speak with one of their Compliance Officers and complete and/or submit the following:
- For your NIS Clearance Letter: Once your payments are up-to-date, you will be required to visit the NIS’s Head Office and speak with a compliance officer. You will be required to:
- Complete a request using the relevant form.
- Submit relevant supporting documents.
- For your NHT Clearance Letter: Once your payments are up-to-date, you will be required to visit the NHT’s Head Office and speak with a compliance officer. You will be required to:
- Complete a request using the “Employer Customer Information File (CIF) Form”.
- Submit relevant supporting documents - there are specific requirements for “New Employers” versus “Returning Employers” (see below).
- For your HEART Trust/NTA Clearance Letter: Once your payments are up-to-date, you will be required to visit the Revenue Services Department of the HEART Trust/NTA and speak with a compliance officer to request your clearance letter.
- You will require your company’s TRN for reference purposes.
Your request may also be submitted via email.
Other supporting information/documents required for application…
If your contribution payments are not up-to-date and you will need to make all outstanding payments at the Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ) prior to visiting the offices below and before making your request. You may also be required to provide additional supporting documents in order to obtain your clearance letters.
- For your NIS Clearance Letter: you will need the following supporting documents:
- Stamped copy(ies) of National Insurance Annual Return(s) for previous year(s).
- Receipt(s) for past year(s).
- Current National Insurance Receipt(s) from Inland Revenue Department.
- National Insurance Remittance Card (Payment Card).
- Employer’s Registration Form (N.B. New Business, Duplicate).
- Original and Photocopy of Certificate of Incorporation (New Business).
For more information on this process visit the Ministry of Labour Website .
- For your NHT Clearance Letter: you will need the following supporting documents:
- If you are a New Employer, you will also need to submit the following:
- Completed Employer Customer Information File (CIF) Form for registration.
- Certificate of Incorporation.
- Articles of Incorporation.
- Clearance letter from the NIS office.
- Company’s TRN number.
- If you are a New Employer, you will also need to submit the following:
- If you are a Returning Employer, you will also need to submit the following:
- Outstanding Annual Returns (if any).
- If you are a Returning Employer, you will also need to submit the following:
For more information on this process visit the NHT Website.
- For your HEART Trust/NTA Clearance Letter: you will need the following supporting documents:
- Company’s TRN
- Outstanding Annual Returns (if any).
For more information on this process email a compliance officer at compliance@heart-nta.org.

Submit your completed application…
Submission Requirements:
To obtain your Clearance Letters you will need to visit each of the individual offices of the 1.) NIS, 2.) NHT and 3.) HEART Trust/NTA and complete any forms if necessary.
For more information you may call or email and then visit their offices using the contact information and addresses below:
18 Ripon Road
Kingston 5
Tel: 1 (876) 922-8000/13
Email: nisandyou@mlss.gov.jm
Mondays to Thursdays – 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Fridays – 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Head Office
4 Park Boulevard, Kingston 5
Tel: 1 (876) 929-6500-9
In UK: 44 203 514 8816
In USA or Canada: 1 (800) 858-3219
Email: wecare@nht.gov.jm
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Revenue Services Department
10 Hope Road
Kingston 10
Tel: 1 (876) 968-8455/6
Email: compliance@heart-nta.org
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Pay the relevant processing fees…
There are no fees associated with securing your various Clearance Letters.
The respective processing times are as follows:
- NIS Clearance Letter - provided same day
- NHT Clearance Letter - provided same day
- HEART Clearance Letter – provided same day

Collect your approved document(s)…
Once submitted, your information/documents are then examined to ensure that they are complete and accurate and to verify the information provided. If the documents are in order and your payments up-to-date, then your letters are issued.
At the end of the process you will receive the following:
- Your NIS Clearance Letter
- Your NHT Clearance Letter
- Your HEART Clearance Letter