
Secure Electricity Connections

The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR), is the independent regulatory Agency with responsibility for the electricity sector.

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Process Overview

Discover the application process and what steps will be taken in order to grant and Secure Electricity Connections.

Secure Electricity Connections description

The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR), is the independent regulatory Agency with responsibility for the electricity sector. The OUR regulates the electricity sector in Jamaica, which includes the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) and Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in an effort to ensure that consumers of utility services enjoy an acceptable quality of service at a reasonable cost.

The JPS is an integrated electric utility company and the sole distributor of electricity in Jamaica. The Company is engaged in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, and also purchases power from a number of the IPPs.

As the sole distributor of electricity in Jamaica, at some point during the implementation of your development, in order for it to be supplied with electricity, you will have to apply to the JPS for your electricity connection(s).

For more information and a step-by-step guideline to securing an electricity connection see the business process below.