Obtain a Mining Lease overview
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Obtain a Mining Lease
The local Mining and Quarrying sector is mainly driven by bauxite and alumina, which generate the most revenue for the sector.
Obtain a Mining Lease overview
Understand more about the process…
The Mines and Geology Division (MGD) monitors all prospecting, exploration, mining and quarrying operations; and is responsible for the enforcement of the Mining Act and the general supervision of all mining activities across the island. They are also responsible for the processing all applications for mining leases and maintain a database of all licensed mining and quarrying operations.
A “Mine” as defined - includes any place, excavation or working whereon, wherein, or whereby, any operation in connection with mining is carried on; and “to mine” means intentionally to search for, extract or win minerals, and includes any operations necessary for the purpose. Mining materials include bauxite/gold. For more information about Quarries – see “get a quarry licence”.
Under the Mining Act (1947), any individual/company wishing “to mine” must first apply to the Mines and Geology Division (MGD), through the Commissioner of Mines and obtain a Mining Lease. A mining lease is a possessive right which transfers the ownership of the specified mineral(s) from the Government to the mining lessee on the basis of the payment of royalty. It authorizes the lessee to recover the mineral(s) from the specified area of land.

Complete the relevant form(s) and provide any supporting information/documents…
Under the Mining Act (1947), any individual/company wishing “to mine” must first apply to the Commissioner of Mines and obtain a Mining Lease. A mining lease is a possessive right which transfers the ownership of the specified mineral(s) from the Government to the mining lessee on the basis of the payment of royalty. It authorizes the lessee to recover the mineral(s) from the specified area of land.
Application forms can be obtained by visiting the MGD (located in the Hope Complex, Hope Gardens, Kingston), or from the MGD's website for download, printing and completion.
In addition to the application form, the following documents must also be submitted:
- Prospecting Right & Licence - provide evidence of a valid prospecting right and licence.
- Proof of Ownership/Access - land title or original stamped lease agreement (stamped by the Stamp Office) granting authority to access/use of the property.
- Location Map - drawn to 1:50,000 scale. (4 copies)
- Location Beacon - must be erected at the north west corner, showing:
- Name of applicant
- Lease #
- Type of mineral
- Environmental Permit - approved by the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA). See – secure environmental permits.
- Company’s Certificate of Incorporation - see, register a business.
- Articles of Incorporation - if the applicant is a company.
- Financial Statement - Statement of the applicant’s financial position.
- Sketch Plan – Outlining the planned operations to be undertaken and financing of said operations.

Submit your completed application…
Submission Requirements:
Once your application form and any relevant supporting information/documents have been completed, signed, stamped and certified where required; you will need to visit the Registry Unit of MGD to submit your application(s) w/supporting documents for a Mining Lease for verification/assessment and then pay the prescribed application fee.
On receipt of the application the Mining Registrar at MGD first checks to ensure that all documents are in order and then directs the applicant to the Cashier to make the payment. After collecting the receipt, return to the Mining Registrar for documentation/update of file.
The address and contact information for the MGD is indicated below:
Mines and Geology Division
Hope Gardens, P.O. Box 141
Kingston 6
Jamaica, West Indies
Tel: 1 (876) 927-1936/40
Fax: 1 (876) 977-1204
Email: commissioner@mgd.gov.jm
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm

Pay the relevant processing fees…
Once your application form and any relevant supporting information/documents have been completed, signed, stamped and certified where required; you will need to visit the Registry Unit of MGD to submit your application(s) w/supporting documents for a Mining Lease for verification/assessment and then pay the prescribed application fee.
Application Fees:
Mining Lease/Special Mining Lease: | JMD$1,200 (per metric square or part thereof) |
Renewal of Mining Lease: | JMD$600 (per metric square or part thereof) |
Renewal of Special Mining Lease: | JMD$1,200.00 (per metric square or part thereof) |
Surrender of Mining Lease: | JMD$5,000 |
Click here for other fees related to Mining and Quarries.
Please note: Fees are subject to review.
You will need to visit the offices of the MGD to pay the non-refundable application fee prior to submitting your application for a Mining Lease. Having collected a receipt, they should return the application to the MGD/Registrar for lodging.
Processing Time:
• Overall Approval - average of three (3) months.

Additional steps required for approval…
Once your request has been submitted, there are some additional steps that the MGD will need to undertake as a part of their own due diligence processes as indicated below. During this process a copy of your application will be forwarded to a number of government agencies requesting their inspection of the proposed quarry site along with their recommendations.
For Mining Lease:
Notices on Particulars of Application Published
Upon approval from the Commissioner the particulars of the application are published in the Gazette and a daily newspaper at the applicant’s cost. There is a twenty-one day period for comments from the public with regard to the application.
Application is processed
After the period for comments has expired and no objections submitted, the application package is sent to the Minister with responsibility for Mining for review (through the Permanent Secretary). The application can either be accepted and the mining lease granted or rejected. In cases where the application is rejected, an appeal can be made to the Minister. Once the processing has been completed, the MGD will notify the applicant of the outcome.
Payment of Security
Within one (1) week of the granting of the Lease, you will be required to submit a Guarantee/Security to the Commissioner of Mines (Letter of Guarantee using the prescribed form provided by the MGD or JMD$50000 cash).
A Mining Lease is valid for a term not exceeding 25 years. The holder of the lease shall not transfer their lease or interest without first obtaining the consent in writing of the Minister. Also, with the consent of the Minister and for an additional fee, (see above) a Mining Lease, any share or interest therein, can be surrendered or transferred.
To learn more about the guidelines and this process…please send an email to the MGD.

Collect your approved document(s)…
Once the review and assessment process has been completed and if your documents and agency site inspections are in order, MGD will notify you that your Mining Lease has been approved.
At the end of the process you would have received the following:
• Your Mining Lease