How to apply for Manufacturing
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Manufacturing Permit
Ensure your specific Manufacturing Permit is approved
and valid.
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How to apply for Manufacturing
Manufacturing Permit
Process Overview
Manufacturing Categories (duty free importation)
Manufacturing companies can benefit from the following incentives: Productive Input Relief (PIR):
Duty-free importation of certain industry-related items, used by manufacturers as inputs in the production of goods.
What Category are you applying for?
Cultivator Licence
Cultivate land with ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes.
Tier 1
Cultivate up to 1 acre (4,047 square metres) of land with ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes.
Tier 2
Cultivate between 1 and 5 acres (4,047 – 20,235 square metres) of land with ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes.
Tier 3
Cultivate over 5 acres (20,235 square metres) of land with ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes.
Processing Licence
Process ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes, including the manufacturing of ganja based products
Tier 1
Process ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes, including the manufacturing of ganja based products, in a space of up to 200 square metres.
Tier 2
Process ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes, including the manufacturing of ganja based products, in a space of over 200 square metres.
Retail License
Sell ganja products for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes- or provide therapeutic or spa services.
Retail (With facilities for consumption)
Sell ganja products for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes with a space for immediate consumption by consumers.
Retail (Without facilities for consumption)
Sell ganja products for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes.
Provide therapeutic or spa services utilising ganja products.
Research and Development License
Assessment, study, research, development and testing of cannabis plant products.
Undertakes all activities involved in the assessment, study, research, development and testing of products derived from all or any part of the cannabis plant, including the analytical services for own use.
Analytical Services
Provide commercial services exclusively for the determination of any or all of the constituents, characteristics, quality or safety parameters of cannabis or cannabis products by accepted and/or accredited methods.

Determine your eligibility
Items that are imported and landed in Jamaica prior to the final “Status” designation being awarded to your company, will not be covered by the manufacturing fiscal incentives, as the benefits cannot be applied retroactively. Where goods are imported prior to the grant of the manufacturer/producer status, you will be required to pay all the applicable border taxes.
Select the appropriate option below
As a Manufacturer, in order to benefit from the Productive Inputs Relief (PIR) scheme, you must first register with the regulating Ministry, MIIC, for status as a bona fide ‘Manufacturer/Producer’.
New companies may be granted provisional manufacturing status for a period of no longer than 6 months where at the time of the initial assessment the actual manufacturing processing would not have commenced. At the end of the provisional period, a verification visit is undertaken to determine whether or not the productive operations have commenced
As a Manufacturer, in order to benefit from the Productive Inputs Relief (PIR) scheme, you must first register with the regulating Ministry, MIIC, for status as a bona fide ‘Manufacturer/Producer’.
Once you have been approved as a “bona fide” manufacturer/producer, varying levels of relief are available to you in respect of i) customs duties and additional stamp duties for raw materials, intermediate goods, consumables or packaging materials and equipment (including parts); and ii) corporate income tax.

Required Documentation
In order to ensure your application is processed expeditiously please verify that all the information is completed accurately, and the supporting documents/information are submitted along with your request.
For Manufacturer/Producer Status (New Company):
Application Form
to be completed. See manufacturing status application and data capture form to be completed Application Dossier
Supporting Documents
to be prepared and submitted.
All copied documents submitted must be certified by a Justice of the Peace.
Tax Compliance Certificate
A copy of your valid TCC should be submitted.
Description of your production process
This should be accompanied by a flow chart diagram depicting the process and all its steps.

Fees Payment
There is no fee associated with submitting your request to access “Manufacturer/ Producer Permit”.
Processing Time:
Status Approval - Maximum of twenty (20) working days.

Submit your Application
You can choose you preferred submission method, either through the online portal or by presenting your filled form in one of MIIC’s offices.
Once your application form and any relevant supporting information/documents have been completed, signed, stamped and certified where required; submit your application using the portal (or visiting the MIIC offices), along with your relevant fee payment.
Online submission
You will be able to submit your application entirely online by using the new JBG portal.
You will be guided through the process
Get updates on your progress in real-time
Simplifies the collaboration with the MIIC
The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce
4 St. Lucia Avenue
Kingston 5
Jamaica, W.I.

Once your request has been submitted, there are some additional steps that the regulating Ministry and the Incentives Unit of Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) will need to undertake as a part of their own due diligence processes. This includes the following:
Review and assessment by MIIC
carried out on the manufacturer’s application dossier and supporting documents.
Formal report/referral from MIIC
submitted to JCA’s Incentives Unit indicating the applicant’s approval along with the applicants’ dossier and supporting documents.
JCA verification assessment
upon receipt of MIIC’s recommendation, the JCA undertakes its own verification including a joint site visit (MIIC/JCA).
- Manufacturer’s questionnaire:
JCA emails a “Manufacturer’s Questionnaire" to applicant, to be completed and returned (before site visit).
- Joint verification site visit conducted:
appointment made with manufacturer to visit their facility.
Final determination made by JCA:
Decision on the designation of manufacture status to a company is made by the Commissioner of Customs.
Manufacturer notified:
JCA will advise the manufacturer of the final determination regarding their status.
Manufacturer’s information processed on ASYCUDA:
once the final determination is made, if approved JCA enters your information into the Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) platform.
Collect your Approved Document(s)…
Once the review and assessment process has been completed and if your documents and site visit are in order, the JCA will notify you that your Manufacturer/Producer Status has been approved.
At the end of the process you would have received the following:
Written Notification of your Manufacturer/Producer Status
Access to incentive benefits related to the manufacturing sector
To learn more about this process…please send an email to the JCA's Incentives Unit at