How to apply for Farm
Access Incentives
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Acquire Land
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Secure Approvals
Secure Approvals
Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo.)
- Accommodations
- Attractions and Others
Licenses and Leases
- Cannabis
- Farms
- NCRA - Food Processing Establishment
- WRA - Water Resources Authority Services
- Energy Plant
- Telecoms Operation
- Institutional Healthcare Facilities - Healthcare Facilities
- Quarry Licence
- Mining Lease
- Registration of Film Production
- Pharmaceutical License
- NCRA(Verification of Scales And Petrol)
- MIIC(CET and Safeguard Mechanism)
Building and Construction
- Electricity Connections
- Water and Sewerage Connections
- Fire Brigade
Development and Promotion
- SEZ. Status
Business Support Services
Digital Secure Approvals
Secure Approvals
Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo.)
- Accommodations
- Attractions and Others
Licenses and Leases
- Cannabis
- Farms
- Pharmaceutical License
- Registration of Film Production
- Fire Brigade
- NCRA(Verification of Scales And Petrol)
- MIIC(CET and Safeguard Mechanism)
- Institutional Healthcare Facilities - Healthcare Facilities
- Quarry Licence
- Mining Lease
- NCRA - Food Processing Establishment
- WRA - Water Resources Authority Services
Development and Promotion
- SEZ. Status
Digital Access Incentives
Digital Obtain Certifications
Digital Obtain Accreditations
Digital Acquire Land
Business Support Services
Digital Business Support Services
Register as a Farm
in order to access fiscal incentives and other benefits
offered by the Government of Jamaica (GOJ)
Common Banner Button For Farms
How to apply tabs
FARM Licence
Process Overview
Farmer Type
Under a licensing regime you will be allowed to handle ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes.
What type of Farmer are You?
Cultivator Licence
Cultivate land with ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes.
Tier 1
Cultivate up to 1 acre (4,047 square metres) of land with ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes.
Tier 2
Cultivate between 1 and 5 acres (4,047 – 20,235 square metres) of land with ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes.
Tier 3
Cultivate over 5 acres (20,235 square metres) of land with ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes.
Processing Licence
Process ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes, including the manufacturing of ganja based products
Tier 1
Process ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes, including the manufacturing of ganja based products, in a space of up to 200 square metres.
Tier 2
Process ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes, including the manufacturing of ganja based products, in a space of over 200 square metres.
Retail License
Sell ganja products for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes- or provide therapeutic or spa services.
Retail (With facilities for consumption)
Sell ganja products for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes with a space for immediate consumption by consumers.
Retail (Without facilities for consumption)
Sell ganja products for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes.
Provide therapeutic or spa services utilising ganja products.
Research and Development License
Assessment, study, research, development and testing of cannabis plant products.
Undertakes all activities involved in the assessment, study, research, development and testing of products derived from all or any part of the cannabis plant, including the analytical services for own use.
Analytical Services
Provide commercial services exclusively for the determination of any or all of the constituents, characteristics, quality or safety parameters of cannabis or cannabis products by accepted and/or accredited methods.

Benefits of having a Registered Farm
- Access to Productive Inputs Relief (PIR) and other key Incentives
- Access to disaster relief claims
- Access to market facilitation services
- Access to receipt books issued by the Jamaica Agricultural Society (JAS) under the amended Agricultural Produce Act
Registration is carried out by a RADA Extension Officer at the parish offices and the type of information collected for registration purposes is about:


Farm holdings (Land,crops & Livestock)

Agricultural Practices
It is imperative that farmers who are registered by a commodity board or who are members of a farmers group such as the Coffee Growers Association, the Citrus Growers Association, the All Island Banana Growers Association etc. also register with RADA to ensure they can access their benefits. For more information on the agriculture commodities industry , contact the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regultory Authority (JACRA).

Required Documentation
In order to receive your licence you will provide critical information and supporting documentation.
Application Requirements
You will need to complete the applicable registration form, submit it along with the relevant supporting documents, have your photo taken and pay the prescribed fee. In order to ensure your application is processed expeditiously and within the relevant time-frame, please verify that all the information is completed fully, and the required supporting documents/information are submitted along with your request.
For Farm Registration (Farm must be operational):
All copied documents submitted must be certified by a Justice of the Peace.
Application Form
Form should include the following information
- Name and address of the farmer
- Location of the farm, the Land tenure
- Size/number of acres of Land
- Agricultural activities beind carrid out
Supporting Doucmentation
- Taxpayer Registration Number-How to get a TRN.
- Proof of Ownership/Access-Land title or document granting authority to access or use of the property for farming
- Passport-sized Photo-certified by a Justice of the Peace.

Fees Payment
You can pay using the JBG Portal or you can visit the RADA office to pay the registration fee. Once paid, you will be provided with a receipt which must be retained and submitted along with your national ID when you go to collect your final approved documents.
Registration Fee:
Registering a Farm |
Processing Time:
Overall Approval - maximum of thiry(30) working day |

You can choose your preferred submission method, either through the online portal or by presenting your filled form in one of RADA offices.
Once your application form and any relevant supporting information/documents have been completed, signed, stamped and certified where required; submit your application using the portal (or visiting the RADA offices), along with your relevant fee payment.
Online submission
You will be able to submit your application entirely online by using the new JBG portal.
You will be guided through the process
Get updates on your progress in real-time
Simplifies the collaboration with the CLA
Paper submission
All completed application forms and supporting documents must be placed in a single sealed envelope and submitted to the RADA.
Check out the location of the RADA Regional Office nearest to you.
Rural Agricultural Development Authority (Head Office)
The address and contact information for RADA is indicated below:
Hope Gardens, Kinstone 6, Jamaica, West Indies

Additional steps required for approval
Once your request has been submitted, RADA will undertake additional steps as a part of their own due diligence processes. This includes the following:
For Farm Registration:
Farmer Interview
conducted with an Extension Officer at the Parish Office.
Farmer’s Data and Photo
are taken by RADA’s staff.
Site Visit Conducted
by the Extension Officer as means of verification. (within 10 days of application)
Registration Fee
upon having a successful interview and site visit, you are required to pay the fee and collect a receipt.
Farm Registration
approved and granted by RADA.
Photo Identifications (IDs)
are produced and issued to farmers after approval.