
Status Verification Report and Insolvency Assessment Report

Apply to the Office of the Supervisor of Insolvency (OSI)for a Status Verification Report or an Insolvency Assessment Report.

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Reports Insolvency Overview

Determine your eligibility

An insolvent Debtor is one who for any reason is unable to meet his/her obligations or who has ceased paying his/her current obligations in the ordinary course of business or as they generally become due or the aggregate of whose property is not at a fair valuation, sufficient or, if disposed of at a fairly conducted sale under legal process, would not be sufficient to enable payment of all his/her obligations due and accruing due.

Required Documentation

Forms to be completed

Supporting Documentation:

  • Resume
  • Draft Proposal
  • TRN/ ID or Company #

Forms to be completed,

Supporting Documents

Personal data

copy of a photo identification (passport, driver’s licence, national Id.) and TRN (natural person), Certificate of Incorporation (legal person).ut


copies of titles for land/property or motor vehicles, insurance policies, share certificates and up-to-date bank statements.


copies of up-to-date bank statements, invoices, judgments/court documents, loan agreements, letters from individuals signed before a Justice of the Peace/notarized.

Proof of income

copies of salary advice for the past three (3) months and/or letter from employer. If the debtor has alternate sources of income other than a fixed salary, proof is to be provided via invoices or bank records. Monthly expenses: copies of utility bills (light, water, cable); rent receipts; medical bills.

Fees Payment


Insolvency Verification Report

A payment of $3,000.00 ( per search )is required for application processing.


Insolvency Assessment Report

No Payment is required

Submit your Application

You can choose your preferred submission method, either through the online portal or by presenting your filled form in one of OSI offices.

Once your application form and any relevant supporting information/documents have been completed, signed, stamped and certified where required; submit your application using the portal (or visiting the OSI offices), along with your relevant fee payment.

Submission Requirements

Once your form and all supporting information/documents have been completed, signed, stamped and certified where required, you may visit and submit your request through the OSI Office in your parish. All requests should be addressed to the Supervisor of Insolvency.

The address and contact information for the Ministry is indicated below:

Office of the Supervisor of Insolvency

The Reit Building
2nd Floor 52-606
Grenada Crescent, Kingston 5

Phone (876) 929-8332-50/
(876) 926-8847,
(876) 619-1475-6
Fax (876)-960-7310

Additional steps required for approval

Please note that processing your application may take up to three (3) weeks. If your application is successful, you will be advised of the next steps to take, which may include a referral to the Government Trustee. If your application is not successful, this office will inform you and provide you with a reason.

Review and Validation

The OSI reviews and validates the correctness of the documents submitted

A Search/Investigation

A Search/Investigation is conducted to ascertain the solvency status of the relevant party

Recommendation/Decision Made

Approve or Refuse the Application

Issuance of Certificate Approval

Insolvency Status Verification Report/Insolvency Assessment Report is prepared and submitted to the Applicant